brave new world – MARC QUINN

Where Marc Quinn and Aldous Huxley meet, in a brave new world.

The YBA Quinn – Young British Artist – shows a stimulating collection of work in his exhibition, from large bronzes sea shells and sculptures to trompe-l’oeil effect paintings referring to works and concepts of other artists, creating a story of birth, life and death and the future. The thoughts that spring to mind, having read the book by Huxley which Quinn refers to by using the same title for his exhibition, is the concept of the individual from birth and into the future. What are our layers as individuals and are they being pealed off as we enter a more transparent modern era where our information is largely accessible through social medias and technology?

Brave New World 

 Solo Exhibition

28 March 2012 – 19 May 2012

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg
